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June 2024 Spam Update

Search ranking algorithm update

Updated on:

July 31, 2024


by Momentic

Google has made a noteworthy improvement to their automated systems that detect search spam. The most recent search spam update occurred in March 2024, in conjunction with a core update.

Current status of the ranking update

  • Status:

    Rollout complete!

    Rollout in progress!

  • Announced by Google:

    June 20, 2024

  • Update started:

    June 20, 2024

  • Update completed:

    June 27, 2024

    Rollout in progress!

Momentic analysis and first look

Below you'll get tips on what to look for, how to respond on your website, and helpful resources to improve your website's SEO and UX as it relates specifically to this Google update.

Google didn't share any specifics about what this spam update may target, they just linked to their spam update documentation which has not changed since the previous spam update.

Types of websites affected

Sites that violate Google’s spam policies may drop in rankings or not rank at all.

What to look for

Significant ranking and visibility changes on Google Search

What to address

Review Google’s spam policies and make sure you’re in compliance.