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Helpful Content Update

Sitewide signal

Updated on:

August 9, 2023


by Momentic

This update includes a new, weighted, sitewide signal meant to reward content that’s useful to searchers and downgrade content that is unoriginal, unsatisfying, unhelpful, and written to rank well on search engines rather than help or inform people. Pages with “people-first content” could still rank well even if a website has been deemed unhelpful.

Current status of the ranking update

  • Status:

    Rollout complete!

    Rollout in progress!

  • Announced by Google:

    August 18, 2022

  • Update started:

    August 25, 2022

  • Update completed:

    September 9, 2022

    Rollout in progress!

Momentic analysis and first look

Below you'll get tips on what to look for, how to respond on your website, and helpful resources to improve your website's SEO and UX as it relates specifically to this Google update.

Types of websites affected

English-language websites with unhelpful content. The more unhelpful content a website has, the more likely you’ll notice an effect.

What to look for

Significant ranking and visibility changes on Google Search

What to address