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July 2022 Product Reviews Update (#4)

Search ranking algorithm update

Updated on:

September 20, 2022


by Momentic

Google really wants us to provide authentic and helpful product reviews

Current status of the ranking update

  • Status:

    Rollout complete!

    Rollout in progress!

  • Announced by Google:

    July 27, 2022

  • Update started:

    July 27, 2022

  • Update completed:

    August 2, 2022

    Rollout in progress!

Momentic analysis and first look

Below you'll get tips on what to look for, how to respond on your website, and helpful resources to improve your website's SEO and UX as it relates specifically to this Google update.

This is the fourth in a series of product review updates which started in April 2021. This specific product review update aims to promote and reward high-quality product review content that is more insightful than thin, templated, or unoriginal review content.

Types of websites affected

All English-language websites with any type of product review content, including customer reviews, ranked lists and product comparisons.

What to look for

  • Changes in rankings for pages that include product review content.

What to address