It depends on your team structure, your capacity, and your needs. Our internal team creates most types of content, and we are almost always involved in content edits and content management in the CMS as part of SEO execution. The only times we don't create content are:
- Modular organization
- Theme build
- Webflow base integration
- Webflow custom integration
- Components, settings, collections
- Lazyloading
- Responsive images
- YouTube video integration
- Content Management Documentation
- Responsive Design With 4 Breakpoints - Desktop, Tablet, Mobile landscape, Mobile portrait
- Dynamic structured data for breadcrumbs, products, brand, and articles
- Redirects from old URLs to new URLs
- Retina display optimization
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Fonts (@font-face, Google Fonts)
- Rollovers/hovers
- CSS transitions
- Custom form elements
- Webp image format where applicable
- WCAG 2.1 AA compliance
- Project management
- 3rd party tracking tool integration (e.g. GA4, Search Console, Google Ads, etc.)
- Other 3rd party tool integration as needed (does not include the cost of the tool itself (e.g. chatbot)
- QA process
- 1 round of feedback and edits.
- 1 year of website CMS & hosting fees
- Does not include content input for >n of page types