Tamara Hellgren

đź‘‹ Head of Content Strategy at Momentic. I've been here since Apr 18, 2022!

  • Leadership
  • SEO
  • Content
  • Product
  • Dev
  • Webflow
Tamara Hellgren Headshot, 2024
Tamara has been working in SEO since 2016.

About Tamara Hellgren

I’m a fitness enthusiast, animal lover and deep thinker. I've had a lot of different jobs, but SEO is the only one that stuck because it’s never boring. I love the tech/psych/AI mashup, participating in the evolution of search, and making websites better for everyone.

Personal metrics

Favorite TV shows: Star Trek TNG, Firefly, Survivor, RPDR

Role model: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Obsessed with: Search intent, query fultillment, and NYT word games

Recommended local events: Milwaukee Polar Plunge, Wisconsin State Fair, Bristol Renaissance Faire

Helpful to know: Tamara rhymes with camera. 

Words to live by:

  • "Discipline equals freedom." (Jocko Willink)
  • "You better work." (RuPaul)
  • "Make it work." (Tim Gunn)


Momentic is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and we help grow brands and revenue all over the world—in every industry vertical through SEO and digital strategy.



As a marketer, you know that pulling the right levers is essential to success.

But, it's not always easy to figure out when, how much, or how to get buy-in from the business.

That's why we start by creating SEO goals from business goals and existing marketing objectives.




We learn how your audience segments use search to find content, answers, services, and products.

Then we identify the strategies and tactics that best align business goals with your audience's goals.




We create a fluid and targeted SEO roadmap—based on potential customers, business goals, available resources, and your internal / external team structure.




Agile team? No problem. No workflow? We can use ours.

We start with quick wins to get everyone excited about SEO.

Completed tickets and early indicators help build the foundation for impactful SEO campaigns and SEO strategies that make up the SEO roadmap.


Measure, analyze, & iterate


Now back to business goals. We map tasks to results. Then results to KPIs. Then KPIs to objectives. We create a custom Looker dashboard for quick reference and offer deeper explorations throughout the month. Every month we analyze: what happened, why it happened, and what needs to happen. This dials in the strategy—allowing us to align business goals to audience expectations. This is what drives growth.

We're always up to date on data science trends, and we can adapt dashboard views, dimensions, and metrics to the framework your team(s) work in.

Meet The Full Team

We are a team of creators, solvers, and doers who drive strategy, solve challenges with creativity, and implement solutions when your team needs support. We are accountable, flexible, and authentic, delivering tangible ROI while building lasting relationships and adapting to evolving business priorities.