A Successful SEO Roadmap

The buckets of a successful SEO strategy include: 

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Technical SEO—The foundation of organic search success
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Content + UX—Deliver on the target audience's needs
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Additional Signals—How a webpage fits into the bigger picture of the web
Man searching Google images on phone

Momentic SEO Approach

Momentic provides total transparency in everything we do. Here's a summary of our approach to SEO.

1. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the foundation of the organic search success of a website.

The purpose of technical SEO is to ensure Google can find and index the correct content on a website. There are two stages that happen before a URL can rank in search:


Googlebot discovers and downloads content from individual URLs on websites. This includes: 

  1. URL Discovery
  2. URL Crawl
  3. URL Rendering

Common crawling issues:

  • Messy discovery signals (sitemaps, bad internal links)
  • International content
  • Multi-lingual content
  • Duplicate content
  • Robots.txt directives
  • HTML attribute directives
  • Client-side rendering


During indexing, Google tries to understand what a piece of content is about. It processes and analyzes key on-page elements.

Common indexing issues:

  • URL canonicalization
  • International SEO
  • Poor content quality
  • Conflicting robots meta directives
  • Poor UX
  • Multi-lingual content
Flow chart showing how Google Crawls websites

2. Content + UX

In order to create an SEO strategy that has lasting value, Momentic performs competitor, audience, and topic research. This is essential in building an actionable  content strategy and UX strategy that works for SEO and every other channel.

All of the following are important for every piece of content on a website:

Objective checks

  • "Keyword" targeting
  • Intent matching
  • Accessibility
  • Website speed
  • Structured data
  • Originality

Subjective checks

  • Clarity
  • Breadth
  • Value to the reader
  • Desirable to the reader

3. The Bigger Picture

10s of millions of webpages are competing against each other for the same search query. A search engine needs to understand how each page fits into the bigger picture of the web in order to decide where it ranks in organic search results.

Ways We Help

  • Internal links
  • Accurate information on reference websites
  • External links
  • Implement plan to show Expertise, Authority, and Trust (E-A-T)

Ways You Can Help

  • Social media (create profiles, stay active, generate buzz)
  • Create product demand ("Branded" searches)
  • Get user / customer reviews!

Best Approach

  1. Execute what we can control first (internal links, E-A-T, social profiles, etc.)
  2. Try to earn backlinks organically. Most times, if we create the best content and you create more demand for your product, you'll get effort-free backlinks
  3. External link-building is a tactic best executed by a PR team.
  4. Paid (affiliate) backlinks can be effective but expensive and risky!

You've Learned the Momentic Way!


What Is "Good SEO"?

You learned that good SEO solves people's problems instead of tricking algorithms.

How Google Search Works

You learned that Google looks at more than the keywords in the search query—it looks at intent, E-A-T, context, and matches those things to URLs in its index.

Momentic Approach

You learned that Momentic approaches SEO holistically—technical SEO, research, on-page, and things to help with context.

Momentic SEO Programs + Pricing

How we work and how much it costs

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We work in nearly every industry vertical for both B2B and B2C brands.

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